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Members Present: Maureen Birden, Susan Improta, Cindy McIntyre, Ashley Mele, Tom Murtha, Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna, Denise Rodriguez, Jim Solomon
Members Not Present: Layne Lescault, Rosalie Newman, Diane Savinelli
Staff Members Present: Beth Agen, Jessi Ziegler
Guest Members Present: Paul Mangiafico

  • Call to Order
  • The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on September 27, 2010 by Tom Murtha in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
  • Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
  • Approval of June 2010 Minutes - Motion made by Jim Solomon to approve minutes and seconded by Susan Improta. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Chairman’s Report
  • Tom Murtha discussed a slip and fall pending lawsuit that has been reported to landlord and insurance.
  • Jim Solomon to join Finance committee and step down from Nominating committee.
  • Paul Mangiafico was introduced as potential board member; Board will vote next month.
  • Discussion of facility options; proposal from Finance Board soon.
  • Audit for FY 2009-2010 was completed and presented to the audit/finance committee. The final audit report will be available on the NYFS website.
  • Executive Director’s Report - See attachment Executive Director’s Report, September 2010.
  • In addition to items presented in writing, Beth Agen reported successful site visits from DCF and DPH and a potential to respond to an RFP for services in Southbury
  • In addition, a staff resignation resulted in the opportunity to restructure some administrative positions which will save some money in the budget.
  • Treasurers Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report FY 10-11/ July & August
  • Reports of Committees
  • a) Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure) – no report
  • b) Personnel – see Executive Director’s Report
  • c) Finance – no report
  • d) Development and Fundraising - Possible new ideas for Holiday Festival: winter carnival, contest, concert
Long-Range Planning – no report
Audit - Studley White and Associates completed audit and presented to audit/finance committee earlier this evening. Printed copies will be available to the board next meeting and posted on the website. Brian White will assist us in quarterly looking at receivables and other items that have been issues in the past.
Continuous Quality Improvement – no report
Facilities – as reported by the Chair. Three different scenarios are being evaluated for buildings.
Nominating – Jim Solomon presented Paul Mangiafico as a candidate for the board

6. Old Business - None

7. New Business - None

8. Adjournment
        At 7:30 pm motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Maureen Birden to adjourn meeting. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Denise Rodriguez September 28, 2010